Pretty on Fleek: Week 1 Recap

Week 1 was rough, but the Weak one is tough.


Total salads consumed: 9

Total cheats: 4

Total excersize: 0

Total selfies taken: 1

Total weight lost: 5 lbs

I went into this first week with a high motivation to succeed, and I got my ass handed to me. It’s a weird thing, when you change your diet. It was like my body was detoxing off of drugs. I had nightmares, I was hungry, I was tired, I was angry, and I was weak.

At first, I was just grumpy because I was hungry, and then it was a really deep hanger. And then I was furious because when B asked what I wanted for dinner I knew that he meant what type of salad, but I didn’t want salad. I wanted literally anything BUT salad. And it was infuriating because I knew the only answer to, “What do you want for dinner?” was, “salad.”

I have always been stubborn. So it’s really hard to try and convince myself to eat a salad when my brain is set on mozzarella sticks.

But, was this week successful?


I ate 9 salads the first week! Four of my meals I skipped (not in a scary unhealthy way, just didn’t feel like eating kind of way), I cheated four times, and I don’t feel the least bit bad about it. That’s 9 more salads than I’ve eaten in the last few months, and that’s freaking fantastic. Logging my meals helped me see what I’m eating and what I need to change to keep improving.

As for how I’m feeling, it’s a bit of a toss up.

I’m feeling better, because my acid reflux has gone away since I’m not eating a ton of carbs anymore. I feel less tired throughout the day. I feel like I can walk with my chin a little higher. But on the downside, I get hungry a lot more often now. I get light headed more often than I’d like to admit. And the headaches… they’re a little much. But I think some of the negatives are because of the whole detoxing thing.

I did learn a few things though.

  1. I can’t do this week by week. I have to do this day. by. day.
  2. Cheat meals aren’t really worth it. When your body is trying to reconfigure itself, the last thing you should do is feed it the trash that drug it so low to begin with.
  3. I’m definitely a millennial. I really want to weigh myself every day to see if I’ve lost any weight or not. Eat one salad, lose ten pounds. Instant gratification. That’s how it works right?
  4. My “healthy salads” weren’t very healthy at all, and if I actually want to get healthier I probably can’t put half a cup of shredded cheese and a gallon of ranch on my salads. So B picked up some light Italian dressing, and I’m using less cheese now!
  5. My breakfast choices need to become better as well, so B picked up some 2% milk instead of whole, and Crispix instead of Cocoa Pebbles. However, I will never sacrifice our Sunday brunch dates. B and I get to sleep in, and then I make B breakfast, he makes some coffee and we have our date. Our lives are too hectic to ever give those quiet mornings up.

Anyway, I’ll list what I ate this week below if you’re interested in checking it out. No pictures this week, but next week will be better! Also! We’re taking bets with how much weight I’ll lose by my deadline: October 17, 2017. PUT YOUR GUESS IN THE COMMENTS!!


  • Breakfast: Cocoa Pebbles with whole milk
  • Lunch: Nothing
  • Dinner: Cobb Salad
  • Second Dinner: Leftover Cobb salad


  • Breakfast: Cocoa Pebbles with whole milk
  • Lunch: Huge Cobb Salad
  • Dinner: Huge Cobb Salad


  • Breakfast: Cocoa Pebbles with whole milk & a bagel with strawberry cream cheese
  • Lunch: Nothing
  • Dinner: Gargantuan sandwich and chips (a giant sandwich for the hungriest of people) (Jimmy Johns)


  • Breakfast: Biscuits and gravy, cheesy eggs and ham, bacon, coffee, whole milk
  • Lunch: Crispy chicken cobb salad (Ruby Tuesday)
  • Dinner: Italian sandwich & half of a Chicken Habanero sandwich, breadsticks, lava crunch cake (Dominos)


  • Breakfast: Nothing
  • Lunch: Bacon Caesar salad with ham and black olives
  • Dinner: Bacon Caesar salad with ham and black olives


  • Breakfast: Half a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles with 2% milk & a bowl of Crispix with 2% milk
  • Lunch: Salad with bacon, ham, parmesan cheese, and light Italian dressing
  • Snack: Strawberries
  • Dinner: Salad with bacon, Parmesan cheese, and light Italian dressing


  • Breakfast: Bowl of Crispix with 2% milk
  • Lunch: Nothing
  • Cheat snack: Chocolate chip muffin… okay 3 chocolate chip muffins. I had a moment, okay?
  • Dinner: Spaghetti with pink sauce, sausage, and corn 

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